
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020

My experience using blogs

Use blogs was very nice and interesting because I had never written blogs before I only knew the word blog. Sometimes, at the beginning, when we had to write, it was difficult for me because I had no ideas or simply did not know how to start, I was little afraid of being wrong and with the free topic I had a kind of mini collapse because it blocked me and I didn’t know what to write about but it happened quickly, now I would even add more free topics.  It was fascinating to read the opinions of my colleagues about all the different topics that we wrote since a short biography of ourselves, why we chose our career or who we admire and know their points of view. I think that improve my skills to write in english and expanded my vocabulary. In my opinión is a good methodology because I think that grammar is the base to learn a new language, besides writting improves our ability to express ourselves. 

Stephen Hawking

Stephen William Hawking was a british theoretical physicist, astrophysicist, cosmologist and scientific popularizer. One of the main characteristics of his personality was his contribution to the scientific debate, sometimes publicly betting with other scientists, the best known case is his participation in the discusión on the conservation of information in black holes. In college, Stephen began showing symptoms of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a fatal neurodegenerative disease that results in the death of motor neurones in the brain and spinal cord. The first symptoms appeared during his stay in Oxford, just before his first marriage. The disease progressed, after a few years he was completely inmobile and after a throat surgery he lost the ability to speak. However, this did not prevent him from marrying twice, raising three children, maintaining his high scientific and public activity and being one of today´s most renowned scientists. He is now one of the most influential th

My favorite subject

In this weird and different semester online without know how works every subject in a normal semester even without knowing the faculty or anything, I would say that my favorite subject could be General Chemistry I. We have chairs and seminars, they teach us to interpret transformations of matter, solve qualitative and quantitative problems and scientific method from chemistry. We start with atomic theory, atomic structure and periodic system, then we saw chemical bond where we study the different types of bonds and molecular forms, also nomenclature where we name different inorganic compounds and a little of quantum chemistry. Lately we are studying different types of chemical reactions and how to balace them. I like Chemistry because Chemistry is life and is an excellent way to understand the world that we live in. I really enjoy study this subject, sometimes is a little bit difficult but I still love it.

Joan Massagué Solé

Joan Massagué graduated in pharmacy at the University of Barcelona. In 1982, he moved to Brown University, where he discovered the insulin receptor. In 1989 he began to lead the department of cell biology and genetics at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, where he accepts the direction of the cancer biology and genetics program in 2003. His research has been key to know the mechanisms that allow to stop cell proliferation. Thanks to his work, it has been posible to identify the genes that control the metastasis of tumor cells from breast cancer to other organs. Recently, the line of research that he has carried out for ten years has culminated in the Discovery of the general mechanism of colonization of metastasis. Currently, he is working on the creation of antibodies that prevent this process. I think he still has a lot to contribute, he should have a guaranteed place among the greatest scientists in history. I like him because research   is one of the áreas