My experience using blogs

Use blogs was very nice and interesting because I had never written blogs before I only knew the word blog.

Sometimes, at the beginning, when we had to write, it was difficult for me because I had no ideas or simply did not know how to start, I was little afraid of being wrong and with the free topic I had a kind of mini collapse because it blocked me and I didn’t know what to write about but it happened quickly, now I would even add more free topics. 

It was fascinating to read the opinions of my colleagues about all the different topics that we wrote since a short biography of ourselves, why we chose our career or who we admire and know their points of view. I think that improve my skills to write in english and expanded my vocabulary.

In my opinión is a good methodology because I think that grammar is the base to learn a new language, besides writting improves our ability to express ourselves. 


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