Joan Massagué Solé

Joan Massagué graduated in pharmacy at the University of Barcelona. In 1982, he moved to Brown University, where he discovered the insulin receptor. In 1989 he began to lead the department of cell biology and genetics at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, where he accepts the direction of the cancer biology and genetics program in 2003. His research has been key to know the mechanisms that allow to stop cell proliferation. Thanks to his work, it has been posible to identify the genes that control the metastasis of tumor cells from breast cancer to other organs. Recently, the line of research that he has carried out for ten years has culminated in the Discovery of the general mechanism of colonization of metastasis. Currently, he is working on the creation of antibodies that prevent this process.
I think he still has a lot to contribute, he should have a guaranteed place among the greatest scientists in history. I like him because research  is one of the áreas that interest me and his contribution could be a great change in the lives of people with cancer and for all people.


  1. woah, very interesting, I would love to someday achieve some scientific discovery that revolutionizes science

    Nice blog :D


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