How green are you?

 I feel that despite all the campaigns that are carried out to try to create awareness, most people do not carry out environmentally friendly practices. The truth is that I have not incorporated recycling yet, but it is something that I am interested in a lot and I really wanted to do it, especially since a recycling point was created near my house. I'm not a fan of using public transport or driving a car if it's up to me, I walk as much as possible, I love walking.

It has never really crossed my mind to join or support a green organization until now. I think about other ways in which I reduce my carbon footprint, that is by consuming local products, using cloth bags, unplugging household appliances that are not being used, and reasoning about water consumption, especially when taking showers.

I think that it is necessary for people to value  and respect nature more, to know how to appreciate the beautiful landscapes and animals more because  if we continue to neglect the planet in this way in a really short time the beauty that we can enjoy now and the nature that we know today will no exist 


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