Why chemistry and pharmacy?

Chemistry and pharmacy is a career with a lot of labor field. It is an important profession for our society, because our own survival depends lagerly on medicines. They are primarly responsable for improving people's health, through the development and dispensing of medicines and educating about how they should be used. They acquire a comprehensive training and belonging to different fields that will allow you to have a broad vision, addressing different areas related to health sciences.
It is common t osee them working in pharmacies, but that is only a part of everything they can do, because their extensive training and knowledge can be performed in various areas such as legal medical service, pharmaceutical laboratories, drug marketing, teaching, research among others.

Within the pharmacy career we will learn things like extract and synthesize drugs, so I can cook and start my business, like Walter White and as he said, “Chemistry is, well technically Chemistry is the study of matter, but I prefer to see it as the study of change”.


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