A photograph. Its story.

This photograph is very special to me because it marks a before and an after in my life and at holidays. It was taken on December 24, 2018 that was the last Christmas I spent with my two special people together, my dad and my sister. We prepared dinner (it was actually my sister who cooked) and the atmosphere was a little depressed because that year was quite complicated in every posible way but especially in the emotional and family way, because my parents separated and my father left home and also the relationship with my mother was broke. So when twelve o'clock came we were going to exchange gifts my dad had the brilliant idea to deliver the gifts dancing. The three of us had a great time together that day and we laughed too much.

I really like this photo maybe it is not the best photography or doesn't it have the best quality but it reflects all my dad’s personality and follies because he always tells funny jokes, he’s always dancing and he always cheers me up. And in
addition to marking an important moment in our lives you can see his smile and how happy he was that day and his happiness was, is and always will be one of the most important things for me. 


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