My career

When I was a child I often used to think about being a doctor or designer. My parents bought me doctor's toys and I was all over the house vaccinating everyone. Then in elementary school I wanted to be a math teacher, now I remember it and it makes me laugh so hard because at that time I was horrible for maths.

After that, I started high school and I had no idea of  what I wanted to be or study but I wasn't looking for anything, I was waiting for a kind of signal or miracle to illuminate me. So my sister gave me motivation that I needed and I started to search options. Finally I found chemistry and pharmacy, the more I knew about it more I liked it, but at some point I began to doubt and I had several options since architecture to medicine, I completely forgot chemistry and pharmacy. Finally looking at the PSU scores and having to apply, after a huge vocational crisis and a lot of existential crisis I choose chemistry and pharmacy. Currently I don't know what to specialize in. I would like job in a laboratory or investigation.


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